CMEP Fall Calendar
A double–sided Poster designed for New York University's Center for Multicultural Education and Programs (CMEP). Every Semester, CMEP distributes a calendar to inform the NYU community of major upcoming events and programs from the center. Additionally, a quote is chosen to represent every semester, therefore the design was created off the June Jordan quote, "We are the ones we have been waiting for", representing the Fall Semester of 2022. While serving as informational material, the opposite side shows the quote as a poster, giving the calendar an aesthetical function as well.
As the calendar is distributed to the large and diverse community of NYU, accessibility is an important factor in the design. All text is above 14pt in size to allow for visual accessibility. Furthermore, a QR on the calendar leads to a digitized calendar of events able to read using a text to speech reader.
In addition to the Calendar, the poster side was reformatted into small sticker for distribution, and a large wall vinyl to be hung in the CMEP student lounge.